
How to Configure SAML 2.0 for SciForma

Read this before you enable SAML

SciForma supports an SP-initiated SAML flow. For the convenience of your end users, Okta recommends that you hide the SciForma app and set up a Bookmark app with the SciForma logo after you complete this SAML setup. For instructions on setting up a Bookmark app and hiding the original app, see Simulating an IDP-initiated Flow with the Bookmark App.

If you are a user:

  1. Email the SciForma Administrator to enable SAML for your organization.
  2. Attach the following Single Sign On URL to the message.

    Sign in to the Okta Admin app to generate this variable.
  3. Select the link below to download a Certificate. Then, attach it to the message.

    Sign in to the Okta Admin app to generate this variable.
  4. After the SciForma Administrator processes your request, you will receive an confirmation email. Once your receive the confirmation, you can assign people to the application.
  5. Done!

If you are the Administrator:

  1. Sign into SciForma with your administrator credentials. Navigate to System > Security and then select the Single Sign-on Authentication tab, as shown below.


  2. Check Allow Single Sign-on, as shown above.
  3. Select SAML 2.0 SSO for the Authentication type.
  4. Enter the following idpUrl:

    Sign in to the Okta Admin app to generate this variable.
  5. Enter the following idpSignatureCert:

    Sign in to the Okta Admin app to generate this variable.
  6. Enter the following spUrl after substituting your Sciforma subdomain for <your_subdomain>.


  7. Enter the following  acsUrl after substituting your Sciforma subdomain for <your_subdomain>.


  8. Done!

Note: An SP-initiated flow is supported from the URL https://<your_subdomain>.sciforma.net/main.html, where <your_subdomain> is the name of your SciForma subdomain. IdP-initiated flows and Just in Time (JIT) provisioning are not supported.