
How to Configure SAML 2.0 for RStudio Connect


Supported Features

The Okta/RStudio Connect SAML integration currently supports the following features:

For more information on the listed features, visit the Okta Glossary.

Configuration Steps

  1. Follow the instructions in the RStudio Connect: Admin Guide to install RStudio Connect to install RStudio Connect.

  2. Configure SAML as described in the configuration guide.

  3. For the IdPMetaData value, use the metadata URL below:

    Sign into the Okta Admin dashboard to generate this value.

  4. Complete the SAML configuration. Your RStudio Connect configuration file should look like the following:

    SenderEmail = test@example.com
    ; Replace Address with the value you specified in the Server.Address field under the General tab in Okta.
    Address = 
    Listen = :3939
    Provider = saml
    Logging = true
    ; Replace IdPMetaData with the value from step 3
    IdPMetaData = 
    IdPAttributeProfile = Okta
    SSOInitiated = IdPAndSP
    GroupsAutoProvision = true
  5. Optional: Group Attribute Steps: To send groups as a part of SAML assertion, in Okta select the Sign On tab for the RStudio Connect app, then click Edit.

    • Select the appropriate filter from the Groups drop-down menu, then type the preferred value into the field.

    • Click Save.

      Note: To send all groups a user is assigned to, select Regex and type .* (dot and asterix).


  6. Done!


SP-initiated SSO

  1. Go to your Server.Address.

  2. Click Log in:

  3. rstudio.png