
How to Configure SAML 2.0 for Cisco ASA VPN


Supported Features

The Okta/Cisco ASA VPN SAML integration currently supports the following features:

For more information on the listed features, visit the Okta Glossary.

Configuration Steps

  1. Access your Cisco ASA using SSH.

  2. Type the following commands in order to access config terminal:

    1. ciscoasa> enable

    2. ciscoasa# config t

  3. Import the OKTA’s signing certificate into a trustpoint:

    1. ciscoasa(config)# crypto ca trustpoint okta

    2. ciscoasa(config-ca-trustpoint)# enrollment terminal

    3. ciscoasa(config-ca-trustpoint)# no ca-check

    4. ciscoasa(config-ca-trustpoint)# crypto ca authenticate okta

    5. Enter the base 64 encoded CA certificate:

        End with the word quit on a line by itself:

        Sign into the Okta Admin Dashboard to generate this variable.

    6. quit

      INFO: Certificate has the following attributes:

      Fingerprint: *************

    7. Do you accept this certificate? [yes/no]: yes

      Trustpoint CA certificate accepted.

      % Certificate successfully imported

  4. If you do not have signing PKCS12 certificate, you need to generate it using the following openssl commands:

    1. openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout key.pem -x509 -days 365 -out certificate.crt

    2. openssl pkcs12 -inkey key.pem -in certificate.crt -export -out certificate.p12

    3. openssl base64 -in certificate.p12 -out certificate.base64

  5. Import the ASA signing PKCS12 into a trustpoint:

    1. ciscoasa(config)# crypto ca import asa_saml_sp pkcs12 [yourPassword]

    2. Enter the base 64 encoded pkcs12. [it should be the content of the certificate.base64 file from step 4]

      End with the word quit on a line by itself:

    3. quit

      INFO: Import PKCS12 operation completed successfully

  6. Add Okta as SAML IdP:

    1. ciscoasa(config-webvpn)# saml idp [issuer]

      Where [issuer]: Copy and paste the following:

      Sign into the Okta Admin Dashboard to generate this variable.

      Note: Make a copy of this value, you will need it again in step 10g.

  7. Configure the IdP sign-in URL and sign-out URL:

    1. ciscoasa(config-webvpn-saml-idp)# url sign-in [sign-on url]

      Where [sign-on url]: Copy and paste the following:

      Sign into the Okta Admin Dashboard to generate this variable.

    2. [OPTIONAL: SLO]

      ciscoasa(config-webvpn-saml-idp)# url sign-out [sign-out url]

      Where [sign-out url]: Copy and paste the following:

      Sign into the Okta Admin Dashboard to generate this variable.

  8. Configure the Okta trustpoint and the ASA trustpoint:

    1. ciscoasa(config-webvpn-saml-idp)# trustpoint idp okta

    2. ciscoasa(config-webvpn-saml-idp)# trustpoint sp asa_saml_sp

  9. Configure the Clientless VPN base URL, SAML request signature SAML assertion timeout and Force Authentication:

    1. ciscoasa(config-webvpn-saml-idp)# base-url https://[yourASAbaseURL]

      (for example: https://asahost.com)

    2. ciscoasa(config-webvpn-saml-idp)# signature

    3. ciscoasa(config-webvpn-saml-idp)# timeout assertion 7200

    4. [OPTIONAL: Force Authentication]:

      ciscoasa(config-webvpn-saml-idp)# force re-authentication

  10. Configure an IdP for a tunnel group and enable SAML authentication:

    1. ciscoasa(config)# webvpn

    2. ciscoasa(config-webvpn)# tunnel-group-list enable

    3. ciscoasa(config)# tunnel-group cloud_idp_okta type remote-access

    4. ciscoasa(config)# tunnel-group cloud_idp_okta webvpn-attributes

    5. ciscoasa(config-tunnel-webvpn)# authentication saml

    6. ciscoasa(config-tunnel-webvpn)# group-alias cloud_idp enable

    7. ciscoasa(config-tunnel-webvpn)# saml identity-provider [issuer]

      Where [issuer] is the same value generated in step 6a.

  11. Get the Assertion Consumer Service URL, SP Entity ID and Single Logout Service URL values:

    1. Get the ASA's SAML SP metadata:

      ciscoasa(config)# show saml metadata cloud_idp_okta

    2. Copy the entityID, AssertionConsumerService and SingleLogoutService attributes values:


  12. In Okta, select the Sign On tab for the Cisco ASA VPN (SAML) app, then click Edit.

    1. [OPTIONAL: Force Authentication]: Uncheck Disable Force Authentication: box.

    2. [OPTIONAL: SLO]: : Check Enable Single Logout box and upload the certificate.crt file (step 4) as Signature Certificate:


    3. Scroll down to the :ADVANCED SIGN-ON SETTINGS: section.

    4. Enter the ACS URL, SP Entity ID and Single Logout URL (optional) values from step 11 into the corresponding fields.

    5. Click Save:


  13. Done!


SP-initiated SSO

  1. Open your Cisco ASA VPN login URL.

  2. Select cloud_idp alias from the GROUP dropdown list:


  3. Click Login:
