
How to Configure SAML 2.0 for UserVoice


Supported Features

The Okta/UserVoice SAML integration currently supports the following features:

Configuration Steps

  1. Login to your UserVoice Admin console.

  2. Navigate to Settings > Web portal > User authentication.

  3. Click Edit.


  4. Select Single Sign-On (SSO), then enter the following:

    • SSO REMOTE SIGN-IN URL (REQUIRED): Copy and paste the following:

      Sign into the Okta Admin Dashboard to generate this variable.

    • Current certificate SHA1 fingerprint: Save then upload the following (in .cert format):

      Sign into the Okta Admin Dashboard to generate this variable.
    • Click Save.


  5. Done!


The following SAML attributes are supported:

SP-initiated SSO

  1. Go to https://[your-uservoice-subdomain].uservoice.com URL.

  2. Click Sign in.

  3. “uservoice4.png"