
How to Configure SAML 2.0 for Kato

  1. Contact the Kato support team at support@kate.im by email or chat at https://app.kato.im/#/rooms/support  and ask the support team whether a domain is available at https://yourDomain.app.kato.im where yourDomain is the name of your organization.

  2. Kato will send you two links, similar to the two examples shown below

    https://api.kato.im/saml/v2/<yourDomain>/consume – SSO URL

    https://api.kato.im/saml/v2/<yourDomain>/metadata – SP entity ID

  3. After you receive these links, navigate to the Kato app in Okta and select the General tab. Enter the SSO URL and SP Entity ID, as shown below.


  4. In Okta, on the Sign On tab, enter your Relay State as https://<yourDomain>.app.kato.im/#/ where <yourDomain> is the domain value provided by Kato. Select Save.
  5. Copy and save the following IdP Metadata show below with the filename metadata.xml. Email the Kato support team at support@kato.im and request that they enable SAML for your organization. Attach the metadata.xml file to your message.
    Sign into the Okta Admin dashboard to generate this value.
  6. Kato will process your request. After you receive a confirmation email, you can start assigning people to the application.

  7. Done!

Note: IdP-initiated and SP-initiated flows are supported. Just In Time (JIT) provisioning is supported. For an SP-iniated flow, use the URL https://yourDomain.app.kato.im/ where yourDomain is the Kato domain for your organization.